
9th Edition of CNBIZFAIR

Business Unusual

March 25 - 26, 2021

Virtual Edition

What to Expect?

The two-day business fair will feature sessions on leading-edge topics, workshops and networking platforms for sharing, learning and making valuable connections.

Engage Businesses

While the Exhibition Hall booms with business development activities, globally-acclaimed business leaders from various industries will engage business executives in the Conference Hall.

Sessions Topics

Sessions Topics will revolve around entrepreneurship, from the perspective of various industries including agriculture, manufacturing, technology, media and entertainment.

Available Opportunities

Other opportunities available for attendees to explore include pitch competitions, Master Classes, Raffle Draws, and much more.

Our Sponsors

Backed by the Big Brands

The ConnectNigeria Business Fair arms attendees with various opportunities to connect with thousands of leads and have access to profitable information. Our sponsors are more than happy to contribute their quota to this sustainable achievement.

Our Exhibitors

Building Essential Connection

The ConnectNigeria Business Fair attracts thousands of business owners, professionals and entrepreneurs from different sectors of Nigeria’s economy. Our exhibitors return every year because since the first time they attended, they have experienced steady business growth and development. You’re next in line.

Empower businesses all over Nigeria

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